Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Week 31: Exit Strategy

There are frighteningly few days left in Boston, and I am deep into planning the exit strategy.  I went to the store today and asked myself if I would use it in time before I bought anything.  I'm kind crazy like that.  There is furniture to sell, boxes to pack, and travel to plan.  It is going to get crazy up in here.

Here is the blog laying out the ERIC strategy.  Please sign up for emails if you want to be in the loop on that:

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Week 29: Context

This week, I didn't have much for video. It would have just been me at my desk working. I had a setback this week. One of my clients fell on some cashflow hard times, and needed to cut me back significantly. I totally understand of course, but my income graph is going in the wrong direction.

On the bright side, I have two new small clients who are starting now, and another big one who is ready for a proposal. If that comes through soon, I'll be in great shape!

I did want to share an info graphic that my sister flagged for me. It really paints the picture for how many people are in deep student loan debt. That is here:

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Week 28 Prohibition

I'm giving up paying for alcohol.

The Rules: No buying booze.  No problem drinking, but someone else has to buy.

Consequences: Drastic decrease of alcohol consumption.  Improved focus.  More money to pay off student loans.  Compliments that I'm hotter (thanks Noah) (could be marathon training too).

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Triple Feature

So it took a week longer than I anticipated to cut all of this footage together, so here are week 27, 28, and 29.  I hope you enjoy.