An amazing thing happened. A friend of mine who follows this blog, and who was also playing a game to aggressively pay down debt called me. My friend told me that they appreciated the inspiration I had given them, and that they would like to pay off the remainder of my student loans. No strings attached - just an expression of good will, and the realization of a goal.
As I write these words, my student loans are paid in full - 8 weeks after my self-imposed deadline. The game is complete.
I am at a total loss for words.
The only thing I can think about is this quote from the Alchemist: when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.
88 weeks ago, I was unemployed and concerned about how I was going to pay rent. I hated that situation, so I decided to play a much bigger game than just making ends meet. I declared a big game, to pay off more than $60k in student loans by my 30th birthday.
14 weeks later, I was off of unemployment, and making end meet without getting a 'job'. In the weeks and months that followed, I continued to play my game, posted (almost) weekly updates about my progress, and about life along the way.
During that time, I supported my girlfriend as she graduated from law school, I traveled all over the country and beyond. I got engaged, moved to Alaska, ran a marathon, started a company , and paid $25,000 of my debt.
Week 80 came, and I turned 30, less than half-way to my goal. I fessed up and took the game into extra innings.
Then, in a miraculous act of generosity, someone helped me complete what I started.
I've been looking for a lesson or a moral to this story - Some grand thing that I have learned through this process. Here it goes:
There is a dangerous myth in our culture. Its the one that talks about one person preserving against all odds and in the face of great adversity to achieve some great, impossible thing. If I have learned anything on my 80 till 30 journey, it is that - contrary to the myth - you, I, can't do it alone.
It makes sense if you think about it. If you want to do something bigger than what you alone have been able to do so far, tell people what you are up to and ask for help.
I didn't plan this ahead of time, but 80 til 30 became a public accountability system, and many of you offered to help, and held me accountable.
The result was that even when I felt like quitting I knew that I couldn't because you were watching. I also knew that if I ever needed help, you where there. In the end one of the people who came on this journey with me, became the one who would help me complete it, but WE did this. Not me.
I am so deeply grateful to all of you for your kind words, your encouragement and your demands for new videos when I fell behind. Thank you.
The only thing the quote from the Alchemist doesn't say, is that in order to get the Universe conspiring for you, you have to first tell the universe what you want :). So, readers, I invite you to declare something huge, tell everyone you can, and get to work. Take it from me, amazing things will happen.
This game is now over. It's time for a new one, but not here. This is the final post for 80 till 30.
If you'd like to know what the next game is, and be kept in the loop, please 'like the Facebook page here. In a few weeks, we will launch it officially.
And in the mean time, I am helping at least one person take on a big game the same way I took on mine. Meet Bobby Palmer and follow his progress as he completes: The Alaska Agreements.