Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 12: Siblings

Ladies and gentlemen,

My sister Alysha:

It is no small thing to have a relationship with your sister that you can be proud of.  My sister and I have one.  We didn't always, but our moments of tension are more and more rare.  Instead we behave like a team and enjoy banter in person, over the phone, and thank goodness, G-Chat.

My sister is working for a group called the IDP foundation and frequently travels abroad to look at education policy solutions that really make a difference in developing communities.  Her focus has been Ghana, and she has traveled there regularly over the past 9 months or so.  We like to pitch in as a family, so take a look at the video my sis put together with the help of the team at Havey Productions.

Cool stuff huh?

In other news, I just finished work on my new video for my amazing friends at ChiveEvents in Boston.  These are three women who are redefining what it means to have a responsible business.  I absolutely love what they do and am so happy to be able to help them.  This video will debut at an event in Boston tomorrow, but for those who not only check in on 80 till 30 from time to time, but also read to the end of the blog posts, you can see it now.

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