Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Week 78

With 2 weeks to go, I have paid off two of my 6 loans.  Business is nuts.  I have nearly $10,000 in work booked that will pay before the end of the game, and I get new stuff every day.

After I pay the money I know I have coming, I will still need another $31,000 to win.

Impossible?  Never.

Here is how it could happen.  I have been written into a grant that would have me documenting a scientific experiment north of the arctic circle.  It is a 5-day shoot and requires lots of time to edit everything that I film and post not only summary videos, but also the raw footage to facilitate peer review.

Bottom line, if that grant is approved, I'm done.

If it doesn't get approved, then I don't know what will happen.  Whatever does happen though, I'll keep you posted.

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