Friday, May 20, 2011

The One-Year Mark

I am sitting in a darkened room in an apartment in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is 3AM and I am now 29 years old. That means that I have exactly one year to pay off the rest of my loans in order to meet my goal. My parents agreed to contribute to my goal as their gift to me this year, so that is some unexpected extra income right off the bat. My weekly average payment needs to be $1,067.00. That is a sobering statistic.

Of late my blog has been less about paying debt, and more about just what fun stuff I am doing each week. That is all fine and good, but if I am going to make this happen, I MUST get serious about raising my weekly income to a level that will sustain those payments.

I'll have lots to share from Argentina when I get back to my video editing software, but for now, thanks to all for the birthday well-wishes, and I'll see you each week, as the 52 - week countdown begins.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 29th my dear friend!! I know you will do your best to do whatever you can to hit your goal!!
